Check In, Please: My Academic Autograph Book is an activity book for people involved in academia: students as well as instructors. It is a 32-page half-legal sized book that functions as a shell for content added by its owner and/or…

“Downtown Lethbridge†inserted punctuation marks into the external facades of five buildings in the downtown area: the Lethbridge Public Library, the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Oddfellows Hall (at the corner of 4th Avenue and 5th Street), Lethbridge Fire Hall #1,…

Alberta Artists Whose Houses I’ve Thrown Up At is a portrait series of artists’ heads in fused plastic beads. Currently there are three: Todd Janes, Shara Rosko, and Robyn Moody. The series is exactly as the name suggests. It remains…

Studio Mad Lib #1: How to Survive an Art School Critique is a mad lib created from found text—a WikiHow article of the same name. Mad libs are a common word game played by people of all ages, commonly used…
Proof 21 Brett Gundlock, Aidan Cowling, Lindsay Fisher, Megan Morman, and Michelle O’Bryne Gallery 44, Toronto, Ontario June 20 – July 26, 2014 Proof 21 Download a copy of a special issue of Kapsula featuring Proof 21 artists.

Super Art Activity Fun Book: Saskatchewan Edition is an activity book about contemporary visual art in the province of Saskatchewan from 1960 to 2014. Super Art Activity Fun Book reenvisions classic children’s games for an adult audience. It’s chock full…

Art Party Stride Gallery, Calgary, Alberta January 10-February 8, 2014 Art Party @ Stride MOLECULES, SEX, CHILDREN: RSVP TO MEGAN MORMAN’S ART PARTY TODAY Essay by Lucas Crawford