Art Party & Super Bingo @ Galerie Sans Nom

Art Party & Super Bingo @ Galerie Sans Nom

Art Party & Super Bingo
Galerie Sans Nom, Moncton, NB
Sept. 27 – Nov. 19, 2013

Art Party & Super Bingo @ GSN

“Megan Morman invites the spectator to participate in a world of real and imaginary aesthetic exchanges between friends and strangers from near and far. Her project Art Party consists of life-sized portraits of Canadian queer performance artists and their pets, made from fusible plastic beads. These vividly coloured beads accentuate an atmosphere of fantasy and play also found in her project Super Bingo, presented as a part of the jè-st’ festival, where she encourages public exploration of Moncton through a classic “road trip style” bingo game meant to generate awareness of patterns in urban development, and access to resources and amenities in the region.

Originally from Minnesota, Morman is a multidisciplinary artist now based in Lethbridge, Alberta. Since graduating from the University of Saskatchewan she has worked with numerous arts, queer, and cultural organizations, and currently serves on the board of the Mountain Standard Time Performative Art Festival.”
–from Galerie Sans Nom’s website



